domenica 23 agosto 2015

Attenzione alle truffe!!!

In questi giorni ho ricevuto una email da un certo Steven Rudy (, che mi chiedeva di acquistare 4 opere. Solitamente faccio sempre delle piccole ricerche su chi mi scrive dall'estero, ma questa volta visto che ero in Africa e spesso non avevo la connessione WiFi, non ho potuto farlo. Comunque dopo svariate email ho iniziato ad insospettirmi e tornata in Italia ho scoperto che questo Steven Rudy in realtà è un TRUFFATORE!
Fate attenzione!!! Perchè dice di inviarvi un assegno che riporta però una cifra più alta di quella che avete richiesto, di incassare l'assegno (che poi risulterà scoperto) e in un secondo momento vi chiederà la differenza che ovviamente dovrete sborsare di tasca vostra!!!!

Recently I received an email from a certain Steven Rudy (, asking me to buy 4 of my artworks. Usually I always do small investigations about who writes me from abroad, but this time as I was in Africa and often I did not have WiFi, I could not do this. However after several emails I started to become suspicious and returned to Italy I discovered that this Steven Rudy is a CROOK!
Be careful!!! Because it says to send you a check, however, that reports a higher figure than that which you have requested, to cash the check (which will be found out) and later will ask the difference which of course you'll have to fork out of your pocket!!!!

Qui di sotto riporto l'ultima email che ho ricevuto:
Here below the last email I received:

Good Morning,
How are you doing and i hope you are enjoying the weather? I just got an update from my finance manager that payment has been issued out to your name and address information you given to me and you will surely received it this week Thursday or Friday

Unfortunately my finance manager erroneously sent the wrong amount which is meant for payment to another customer due to be paid at the same time we paid you and never mind when you received the payment (CHECK) don't tear the check or return it,kindly deposit the check into your bank account and it
take 1-3 days to cleared in your bank account and will give you further instruction for the next step.

Thirdly have also spoken to my Bank manager today and my Accountant concern the erroneously amount, they said there is no problem,you should go ahead with the payment (check) and deposit it to your bank account that will take some 1-3 days to cleared in your Bank Account and don't tear the check or don't return the check.
Thanks for your understanding and co-operation,so Kindly look into your letter box address starting from this week and get back to me immediately when you received and deposited it into your bank account and here is my mobile number you can text me or ring me on +447448817840.

The check has been authorized by my bank manager,so go ahead and deposit the check in your bank account for clearance.

Please; Kindly read and understand the message and reply me immediately if you receive this message now.


Inoltre allego anche il link che mi aiutato a capire che questo Steven Rudy è in Truffatore e dove molte altre persone hanno condiviso la loro esperienza.
Also I enclose also the link that helped me to understand that Steven Rudy is a crook and where many other people shared their experience.

Comunque per fortuna sono riuscita a scoprire tutto questo prima che accadesse il fattaccio!
Spero che questo post possa servire a tutti i miei amici artisti!
State in guardia! 
However luckily I was able to discover this before the crime happened!
I hope this post can help all my artist friends!
Be on guard!